Upgrading an Existing Installation

An upgrade can either consist of upgrading the Lime side of the integration or the on-premise Syncify service, or both. Defining a checklist for an upgrade can therefore be a bit hard. The below should therefore be regarded as a guideline rather than a checklist. Also, the installation instructions should be read and used to relevant extent.

  • Investigate which side(s) of the integration that should be updated.
  • Syncify will manage the update of their on-premise service. Their cloud service is kept up to date automatically.
  • If the previously installed version is of an earlier major version, check the section below for special instructions for your version bumps.

Upgrading to a New Major Version

When upgrading from a very old version of the ERP Connector, the following field might need to be added to the invoice table.

Database Field Name Field Type Length
currency Text field 32

Upgrading to v3.x.y

In major version 3, new fields where introduced (see Changelog. Therefore, upgrading to (or past) this version requires some special care. Updates are done in co-operation with Syncify.

  1. Create new fields in Lime CRM (preferably through LIP).
  2. Follow normal upgrade procedure.
  3. Migrate data to the new address fields.
    • For Visma.Net: Syncify migrates the invoice address in Visma.Net
    • For other ERP systems: Copy Lime CRM postal address to Lime CRM invoice address. This can be done by using the SQL script in the file resources\Upgrade to v3.x.y.sql in the GitHub repository.
  4. Set the new relation between company and invoice row by using the SQL script in the file resources\Upgrade to v3.x.y.sql in the GitHub repository.


If the customer is in the Lime CRM cloud and you wish to use the prepared SQL script, you need to download the database, run the SQL script and upload it again.

Upgrading to v4.x.y

This version was considered a breaking change since we introduced support for Lime CRM web client. There is no special action that is needed if you upgrade to this version besides configuring it for the web client.

Upgrading to v5.x.y

Add the field company.emailinvoice. Make sure to handle a migration from the ERP system to fill this field in Lime CRM on existing customers.

Upgrading to v6.x.y

Add the field invoice.conversionrate. Make sure to handle a migration from the ERP system to fill this field in Lime CRM on existing customers.

Upgrading to v7.x.y

Add the field company.erp_lastsynced.

Upgrading to v8.x.y

Follow this upgrade guide.