Installation Instructions


Lime CRM

  • Make sure that LIP is installed in order to easily install the add-on. If LIP is not installed, you need to manually add all tables and fields and use the file import for the localizations.

For All On-Premise ERP Systems

This applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Visma Business and Visma Administration.

  • Make sure that Syncify can get access to the server where the Syncify service should be installed (typically on the ERP server).

Visma Administration

  • Make sure that you know which Visma database (which Visma company) the customer is using and the path to this on the server. Default path is usually C:\ProgramData\SPCS\SPCS Administration\Företag\XXX.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

  • Make sure that you have the domain and WebServiceURL for Microsoft Dynamics NAV at hand.


  • Get the API key for the Lime CRM integration in Fortnox.

Installation in Lime CRM

This section describes what needs to be done in Lime CRM to set up the integration.

LIP Package

  1. Install the LIP package either by running lip.Install "erpconnector" in the Immediate Window in the VBA editor or by downloading the LIP zip file for the latest release from Lime Store and run lip.InstallFromZip.

Lime Bootstrap App and Actionpad

These steps can be skipped if you will not use the ERP Connector from the Lime CRM Desktop Client.

  1. Copy the addon_erpconnector folder in the apps catalog to the subfolder apps in the Actionpad folder.
  2. In the company Actionpad:
    1. Add the link to Copy postal address to invoice address: <li data-bind="vba:'AO_ERPConnector.copyPostalToInvoiceAddress,' + lbs.activeInspector.ID, text:localize.addon_erpconnector.copypostaltoinvoiceaddress, icon:'fa-files-o'"></li>.
    2. Add the instantiation of the app to the company Actionpad (as shown below).
  3. Publish the Actionpads.
<div data-app="{
    app: 'addon_erpconnector',
    config: {
        groups: [


These steps can be skipped if you will not use the ERP Connector from the Lime CRM Desktop Client.

  1. If a class module ControlsHandlerCompany does not exist: add this (in Lime Core there is a ControlsHandlerTemplate that you can use). OBS! Don't forget to add this to GeneralControlsHandler as well.
  2. Add the code marked with ERP CONNECTOR GRAPH START in ControlsHandlerCompany.Setup.txt (found in the LIP package in the vba folder) to ControlsHandlerCompany.
  3. Set the credentials in the consts at the top of the AO_ERPConnector module. If you do not have them at this moment, it is fine to do this step later.
    1. If on-premise ERP system: Set the constant m_localErpUrl to the url to the server where the Syncify service is installed. It should be on the format http://erpserver:8080/api/customer.
    2. If cloud ERP system: Set the constants m_accessKey and m_secretKey according to internal Lime Technologies documentation and m_clientId according to what Syncify has given you.
  4. Set the VBA Const for which ERP System the integration is running towards. See the configuration documentation for valid strings to use.
  5. Compile the VBA and make sure you do not get any errors.
  6. Save the VBA.


  1. Only valid if Lime CRM Desktop Client: Add the icons for the tables invoice and invoicerow. The icons are found in the folder lisa\icons in the LIP package. If you cannot find the tables in LISA, refresh the browser.
  2. Only valid if Lime CRM Desktop Client: Add descriptive expressions for invoice and invoicerow. The descriptive expressions are found in text files in the folder lisa\descriptives.
  3. Only valid if Lime CRM Desktop Client: Set the SQL expression property on the field company.erp_turnover_lastyeartodate according to the text file in the folder lisa\sql_expressions. If the customer is using an ERP system where the turnover figures are based on the Financial Year (see How It Works) and uses a broken Financial Year, you need to change the SQL code and specify the date of the first day of the new Financial Year as '-MM-DD' in two places, as shown below. For example, April 1st would be '-04-01'. The default is set to '-01-01'. image
  4. Set the SQL for update property on the field company.fullinvoiceaddress according to the text file in the folder lisa\sql_on_update.
  5. For all ERP systems except Visma Administration: Set the SQL for update property on the field company.erp_turnover_yearnow according to the text file in the folder lisa\sql_on_update.
  6. For all ERP systems except Visma Administration: Set the SQL for update property on the field company.erp_turnover_lastyear according to the text file in the folder lisa\sql_on_update.
  7. Set the SQL for update property on the field invoice.customerid according to the text file in the folder lisa\sql_on_update.
  8. Create a group ERP Connector.
  9. Add two users:
    1. erpmigration: This user will run the migration from the ERP system and should be of Type = Integration. It will also be used by Syncify to log in to the Lime CRM client to look at the data during and right after the migration. Add the user to the groups Superusers and ERP Connector. Provide Syncify with the username and password. Create a coworker card for the user so it can be used to log into a Lime CRM client. image
    2. erpsync: This user will run the continuous sync from the ERP system to Lime CRM and should be of Type = API. Add the user to the groups Superusers and ERP Connector. image
  10. Generate an API key for the erpsync user. Provide Syncify with the API key.
  11. Create a security policy tbl_erp. Give the group ERP Connector full rights. Give the group Users read access. image
  12. Add the security policy to the invoice and invoicerow tables. image image

Web Client

These steps can be skipped if you will not use the ERP Connector from the Lime CRM Web Client.

  1. Add limepkg-erp-connector as a depency in your solution's pyproject.toml file. If you run this on-premise with Lime CRM server version 2020.2 or later: Copy and run the below poetry command to add the python dependency to the solution. Restart of the Lime CRM server is required afterwards.

    poetry add limepkg-erp-connector

  2. Build and deploy your solution.

  3. Configure the add-on in Lime Admin.

Conclusion of Installation in Lime CRM

  1. After the migration has been made, revised and approved by the customer: set the user erpmigration to inactive in LISA.

Installation of Syncify Service

This is managed by Syncify. Both for on-premise and cloud ERP systems.